The aim of this study is to investigate the synaptic characteristics of the projection from the MrD to the NBM, and its relationship to the learning and memory function by using a combination of neurochemical, tract tracing, electric microscopy, and behavior study methods. 本研究用纤维溃变和束路追踪电镜法结合行为实验方法,旨在了解MrD与NBM之间有无突触联系,以及此种联系与动物学习记忆的关系。
Reciprocal projection neurons between the midbrain periaqueductal gray and nucleus of the solitary tract express FOS after noxious stimulation of the stomach and intestines in the rat 胃肠道伤害性刺激引起大鼠孤束核与中脑导水管周围灰质神经元表达FOS
Direct projection of the neurons expressing neurokinin B receptor ( NKR) from the hypothalamus to the nucleus of the solitary tract ( NTS) was carried out in the rat by using fluorescence immunohistochemistry combined with fluorogold ( FG) retrograde tracing technique. 为了研究神经激肽B(NKB)可能的升压途径,用免疫荧光组织化学方法结合荧光金(FG)逆行追踪技术研究了下丘脑内神经激肽B受体(NKR)阳性神经元向孤束核(NTS)的投射。
The Projection from the Long Descending Propriospinal Tract to the Lumbar Enlargement in the Rabbit 家兔脊髓长下行固有束至腰膨大的投射
Projection of visceral noxious afferent inputs to interstitial nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract 内脏伤害性传入信息向三叉神经脊束间质核的投射